Our Team


Kapil Gupta

Following a 15 year corporate career and an MBA from the University of Edinburgh, Kapil co-founded TurnON Britain, a company dedicated to personal growth. He spent 6 years living a very spiritually monastic lifestyle, full of practices based in connection and relating.

Kapil is a TEDx Speaker (‘Dare to be Sensitive”) and a co-author of the book, “Being Fine: The other ‘F’ word men use”.

Brought up in an environment that valued “education, success, achievement, a good career, wealth, and family,” Kapil says he spent 15 years successfully striving towards them all, including a MBA and an 11 year relationship that ended in divorce, only to discover that he was “only happy on the surface while disconnected underneath.” 

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Self-discovery, Relationships, Emotional Intelligence, Intimacy, Executive Coaching, Men’s Work


Committing himself to mastery of a new paradigm of relationships, which included how to be authentic, vulnerable, and in approval of the so-called negative aspects of his personality, Kapil’s personal growth journey took him away from corporate life and transformed him into an expert in Emotional Intelligence, dynamic relationships and a men’s interpersonal skills coach!

Kapil has a deep understanding of the Art of Emotional Communication, and loves working with people on becoming self-aware, working with their shadow, creating ever-evolving relationships and lives fuelled by connection and desire.


Lubka Strhakova



Intuitive Coaching, Family constellations, Women’s Program, Automatic Drawing, Relationships

Lubka specialises in Women’s and Relationship work. She is also the founder of Lubka S Art.  

Artist at heart, Lubka has always been interested in human psyche and what drives our relationships. She has had keen interest in Psychology since young age.

She graduated a year long training program in Family Constellations Therapy and has 5 years of practice in this field.

She continued to deepen her education by studying Psychology at Open University in London; followed by Coaching program with focus on Life & Relationship coaching with Tony Robbins & Cloe Madanes; and is a Master Certified Coach and OM Trainer at Onetaste Coaching Association.

A co-founder of TurnON Britain, a company dedicated towards personal growth, Lubka spent 6 years learning about Conscious Relating, Connection, Intimacy; and Feminine run business.

During this journey, she taught 100’s of people and supported 100+ people via one-on-one and group coaching.

She’s an expert in Emotional Communication and loves working with people who want to have more fulfilment in their life and relationships; more Intimacy and better connection.


About Us


 Our Mission

We have been told that once we have a great job, business, great lifestyle, that car, that house, or that relationship; we will be happy and feel fulfilled. We would have made it in life once we get there

However, the experience when we get ‘there’ is very different. We realise that this is not it. 

While we were so busy acquiring, achieving, and ticking all the boxes, we lost connection to that child-like play, electricity, and joy. It gets sucked out of our lives and we long for it.

Life feels good, but not great! 

We often feel lost. There is a sense of boredom and dullness in our souls. Our relationships and intimate life look like it has lost its colours. There’s this ache at the back of our soul that just wouldn’t go away. 

We often have this question on our mind - “is this it? Is there more to life than just this?”

At Nibana, we help you rediscover your bliss by moving from performance to a life that is rooted in presence.

Through clarity and identity work we take you back to your unique blueprint. We use practices as a vehicle for change and bring in new skills, and understandings and create new experiences. We then help you integrate the new learnings by looking at all aspects of life  through the principles of Play

Bliss is our birthright and we have forgotten that by living a life of pretense and prescription. Cultivating Presence in our sensual life (sex, intimacy), our material life (relationships, purpose, money), and living life as an infinite game in every moment is the path back to that bliss.

We teach you how to rediscover that bliss, and sustainably have that deep joy, fulfillment, pleasure, intimacy, connection, relationships, and purpose so that you can have your life back in technicolour! 


“Dare to be sensitive in a desensitised world”

Our Inspiration

The inspiration for Nibana comes from Buddhism and Hinduism. Nibana is the Pali translation of the word Nirvana, which in Hinduism is also referred to as Moksha - which means Liberation or Bliss

To attain Liberation or ultimate Bliss, we have to have freedom in three areas in life:

  1. Kama - which is Intimacy, desire, eros, sensuality, passion, enjoyment and emotional fulfilment

  2. Artha - a life of purpose, meaning, essence and material prosperity

  3. Dharma - our value system and the integrity with which we live our lives and our impact on the people and our environment

It is said that just like money is the currency in our external world, attention is the currency in our internal world. Whatever we put our attention on expands

Through our own journey of personal growth, we have come to discover that in order to cultivate attention and presence, we have to:

  • Be connected with our body

  • Have congruence between our mind and body

  • Integrate our shadow; And

  • Find our intrinsic value, self-worth and self-love

When we are able to do that, we are able to find our own blueprint, deep joy, fulfilment, and play in our lives and start to live from that place. We start to pour it out and transmit it to everyone and everything because we are so full of joy and gratitude that the only way to keep it is to share it with others.


“We help Successful people achieve deep joy & fulfilment ”